Piggott’s Compounding Services

Mass-produced medications are for the masses, not the individual, and create a large therapeutic void. When your commercial medications are inappropriate, yield unsatisfactory results, or are no longer available, Piggott’s Pharmacy Lambton can help.

Do you require a specific medical dose or mixture, not available in pre-packaged medicines? Has your medication line been discontinued?

Are you unable to swallow your pill or need medicine in an alternate form eg patients who have difficulty swallowing a pill may find it easier to take their medication in a pleasantly flavoured liquid form, or prefer a capsule to a pill?

Compounding allows a medication to be personalised for an individual patient.

Benefits of Pharmacy Compounding include:

  • Access to Discontinued Medications
  • Making Medication Easier to for Patients to Use
  • Allowing Alternative Dosage Forms
  • Creating Medication Allergy-Friendly
  • Adapting the flavour of some medications
  • Customised Medication for your Animals

At Piggott’s Pharmacy Lambton, we can reproduce personalised medicine for you.

Visit our Pharmacist Brett Plumb at 105 Elder Street, Lambton or call 4957 3630 for more information.